Thankful Thursday: TREASURES

Hi! This is my first Thankful Thursday and I am blessed for this privilege of sharing my TREASURES in Jars of Clay. today, my CWO Daily Snippets from the Word gives a timely reminder to what I should thank God for online.
And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way,
thy faith hath made thee whole. (Luke 17:19)
I now lay down my TREASURES before you out of my heart's abundance to God who has made me whole. I am thankful for...

  • T-IME. My time here on earth is still ticking so I can live, love and soar for God's greater glory. I am grateful for my life which our Abba lengthens not for my own selfish use but for the furtherance of His kingdom. There were times when Christian life is a walk down Via Dolorosa, but His grace never failed to sustain me. What I am and what I have are all because of G.R.A.C.E. "God's Riches At Christ's Expense". Hallelujah!
  • R -ELATIONSHIPS. One of my greatest riches are the lives God used to touch me and the lives God allowed for me to touch. I praise God for my family and my church which energize me to fulfill my calling, pursue my passion and carry my burden. I am a happy part of the body. I sure can never accomplish for the Lord apart from His body. Amen!
  • E -ARLY MORNINGS. More than the early morning cries of my babies for their regular "milk session", I praise God for my Samuel experiences being awaken from sleep for an early Abba-child conference. I do not always open the Bible when He wakes me up because sometimes He just wants me to bask in His presence. That is priceless! He, not me, starts my day. Sweet time of refreshing!
  • A -FFECTION. I am an affectionate person that is why I appreciate the stories in the Bible about Jesus being personal and affectionate towards women. I usually imagine Jesus carrying me on His lap, wrapping me gentlly with His arms and whispering to me His words of comfort and encouragement as I meditate on His Word. The Scripture becomes an instant balm to my tired and weary heart. Thank God for my new role as a parent that teaches me so much about our Abba's unconditional, dependable and faithful love. He does not have to put on flesh for me to feel Him. His Word says He's here... I believe it.
  • S -CRIPTURES. The Bible is God's love-letter to me. There I see the unchanging image of His glory, the testimony of the faithful God with mortal beings like me, the reality of the Holy Spirit's existence, and all about His mercy and justice. My soul it never ceases to quench the thirst; my heart it never fails to satisfy; my mind it never misses to discipline. I am indeed like a tree planted beside the river. He makes my ways straight. His Word is sweeter than honey to me. Without it, I think I would literally die.
  • U -NDERSTANDING. I am a product of encouragement. Not many people understand me, but to the few, they are God sent clay people who were gifted with quickness in listening and slowness in speech and anger. They stretch their understanding with mercy and season their counsel with grace. These special people reflect the love and understanding of my bestfriend Jesus, and for them I am most grateful.
  • R -EPOSE IN THE RAIN. The Philippines is stricken with heavenly outpours. August, my birth month, is approaching, and with it comes more Typhoons and floods. But ever since I was a child, the rain's pouring sound soothens me physically, emotionally and even spiritually. It silences my noisy thoughts and weariness. It calms me, causing my restlessness to be still. In the quietness of the after-rain, I find it easier to listen to my inner self and to connect to God. Thank God for a moment of ease in the midst of clatter and busy-ness.
  • E - NTRIES. My blogging life has just started, but I feel like I've been blogging for so long in the hearts of the few people I ministered to. There are too many stories of victories and triumphs etched in my colored heart that are yet to be written. I praise God for the opportunity to be able to write my faith-thoughts down, however limited my space entries are supposed to be, because I am able to touch some readers too whose hearts are like mine - broken and renewed. I also praise God for my new spiritual mentors on the net. Their entries echo my heart. The truth stings... but the wise will embrace it like a bosom friend.
  • S -ALVATION. Last, but definitely not the least, I praise God for my eternal hope that is in Christ Jesus, Who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. If not for Him, this blogging life is a sheer waste of time. He did not just saved me from my wretchedness, He also called me to take part in His Master plan. He sustains my excitement in reaching more souls for Him through witnessing and intercession. I have not even fully enjoyed other spiritual blessings that come with my salvation... too many to unpack. All good gifts come from God, and I am so blessed!
Thanks for reading through. If you think you have so much to thank God for, join us every Thursday at Sting My Heart. Read Iris' thanks-filled entry today about Relationships and sign up to be a part of this wonderful Thursday meme. Please leave an encouragement for me, will you?
"In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

BlogLines That Stung My Heart Today

I felt like bloghopping today at my new community AT THE WELL. There were a good number of entries by some amazing women of faith there that really "stung my heart". This was because I felt we were all the same before God, seeking God in His Word and desperate for daily miracles. Their thoughts which penetrated into the heart of my heart make my clay heart soak in tears now.

"Even though John called Himself the disciple Jesus loved he let Christ define him. As I move towards a relationship and not just knowledge of God I pray Christ will define me."
God Chaser of "Broken Vessels"
"Praise God though that we serve a Heavenly Father whom, no matter what, is faithful, always perfect though we may not always see that right off and reliable."-Twinkle Mom of "Sunflower Faith"
Let’s face it; I am ugly, and I have a lot of ugly in me. There, I have said it. Ouch.
Thankfully, though, when my Father looks down upon me, He only sees beauty and perfection. Of course, he is looking at me through blood stained glasses; the blood of my beautiful and perfect Savior Jesus Christ. The blood that is my saving grace. -Chelsey of "Joyfully Living for His Glory"
Grace is the power to be the women God has created us to be! Grace empowers us. God wants our hearts to be strengthened by Grace, as it says in Hebrews. The Lord does not want us to be in bondage to failure. He does not want us to live defeated lives. He does not want us to believe and succumb to the lies of the enemy. He wants us to be free and full of joy.
-Amy of "Laced with Grace"
So if you are a woman at home, facing life struggles - take a moment out - and yes, sweep the floor. Take a look at that pile you sweep together - and if it is anything like my house, you will find sand - more sand grains than you can count - and it’s not even the beginning of God’s thoughts for you.
-Lori of "Writing Canvas"
I really wavered between ‘Trust’ and ‘Gift’ for Thankful Thursday this week, but ‘Trust’ ‘won’…Again this week I was reminded that we really can trust only a handful people this side of heaven. There are a lot of mean-spirited people in this world. -Iris of "Sting My Heart"
My lovely little darling in this picture is known for her smile, but boy that temper.. when it flares up, you better watch out!!! Something we.. my precious munchkin and I need to take to Jesus… With the grace of God we all need to “known by our actions”.
-Amydeanne of "The 160 Acre Woods"
I praise You Jesus For breaking the chains that held me prisoner for so long. You gave me wings, and let me fly, straight into Your loving arms.
-Denise of "Shorty Bears Place"

May our daily words and meditations continue
to glorify You, O Lord!

Word Filled Wednesday: PSALM 150:4-6

This is my first entry in Word-filled Wednesday! Our God is awesome and most worthy of praise!This instrument is popular in the Southern islands of the Philippines and one of the oldest music-maker among the Muslim tribes. We believe that all instruments are from the Lord and they all have their rightful place in the Worship-life of His people. "

"Kulintang" is the singer gong set of the whole Kulintang ensemble composed of five other gongs [Gandingan, a set of four and Agong the father gong] led by a drum called "Dabakan". Everytime I and my bandmates play these beauties during the Praise and Worship celebration, we can't help but rejoice in the Lord with dancing. It livens up our ethnicity which truly longs to be identified in the Living God. Indeed, if the breathing creatures cease to worship Him, the Lord can make these inanimate objects sing for Him. May we not forget from whence all help comes. May we not cease to praise our Creator God! PRAISE YE THE LORD!CH


I am a mom of two vibrant kids, a girl ST (33mos) and a boy ZT (9mos). I grew up in a family of five girls including my mom, with one man, my dad. My parenting style is very much like my mom's, which makes sense to my baby girl. Our family is dominantly expressive and emotional, with lots of hugs, kisses and appreciation. But, having a baby boy suddenly made me feel unsure of the "mother-ing" I knew of. It is just a blessing to have a God-fearing husband as a teammate in this challenging quest, and to be a part of a church that biblically instructs us with the basic whats and hows of parenting.

Today, the topic AT THE WELL is about Raising Godly Boys. I will attempt to answer the following questions from the WELL hosted by Lori at I Will Take it Lord, all You Have to Give. May I glorify God in my answers.

"As a woman at the well, you'll be meeting women who are trying to raise Godly men. These boys they are raising will grow up to marry your daughters or become leaders in your community. What advice would you give to them?If you are raising boys, what areas concern you most?If don't have or haven't raised boys, what is your concern for boys in today's culture?"

What advice would you give to them?
Raising a child, whether a boy or a girl, they say is a blessing and a curse. A blessing, because you are given the privilege of shaping the life of a person who might play a very important role in his/her generation. He/She will remember you as the hands that nurtured him/her in love and held his/her fragile heart until it became strong, ready for more difficult battles in life. A curse, on the other hand, because it is never easy to be responsible for a life. Some would even say, "I can't even take care of myself, how can I take care of a child?" Parenting for a teenager, a single parent, or someone who is not ready to be a parent is really a huge responsibility to carry alone.

I remember our youth pastor who once warned me in my "youthfulness" to not be careless in the things I entertain in my mind such as to want a pregnancy out of wedlock. During those times, many Yuppy girlfriends of mine vocally say how much they dislike the idea being tied with a guy for good, but they would really like to be moms. It is good that thought like that can be caught outright to be brought unto light. Our pastor added that every child is designed to be parented by a man and a woman whom He intended to represent His parenting. There is where the wisdom of parenting lies, the parenting based on the Word. To know God is to read His Word. So, my topmost advice for parenting in general is to know our Abba Father in His Word, the Bible. The Bible was written mostly in the context of Israel, a very patriarchal society. This is beneficial to us parents who were assigned to raise future heads of their families. The Bible will never fail us.
5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:5-9
Second, I believe that prayer is something every parent should model and encourage his/her children to be a lifestyle. I am blessed to have a prayerful mother who taught us not to dwell on the negatives in life, but rather kneel before the Lord in prayer. Early in my Christian life, I had the notion that men pray less compared to women because my dad was not fond of joining our family altar (obviously led by my mom) and also because there were very few men who would join the Wednesday prayer meeting in the church. Even if the Bible bore so many testimonies of praying men, I thought the prayer of the righteous "women" avails more than men. I laugh at this realization, but I also feel sad that the spiritual warriors in most churches are women. Where are the men? There must have been a "breakage" in passing this legacy to many male believers. I think more than teaching our boys how to pray, we must also encourage our husbands to champion prayer so as to influence more our boys to pray. Prayer says, I can not do anything apart from you, Lord. Men need to know that though they have a built-in "fix it" mode, they have to surrender to God Who can fix things best and "for good". The warfare primarily belongs to men as the called heads of their future homes. Our boys must be taught to fight the enemy and his schemes at the forefront for their families' sake through prayer.

If you are raising boys, what areas concern you most?
We might leave the country 1-2 years from now for missions, and it concerns me how he would live with two cultures (Filipino culture and the second culture of whatever nation we shall be sent to). I want to be ready to be able to teach and model the basics of Christianity and how I can contextualize it in a lesser confusing way. My kids will have to learn 3 languages: our Filipino native tongue which is Tagalog, English and probably Japanese; not to mention the two sets of alphabets - roman alphabet and Japanese characters. Only God knows how I and my husband can make it there. One thing I am certain for now, He will not lead us where His grace can not sustain us. Amen.

May I share with you a message in a poster which my mom hang on the wall couple of years ago. I have read this so many times, and it is so appropriate to post here. May we strive to meet the need of this world even just by being faithful godly mothers to our little boys.CH

The World Needs Men…
by Zachary Buckler
• who cannot be bought;
• whose word is their bond;
• who put character above wealth;
• who possess opinions and a will;
• who are larger than their vocations;
• who do not hesitate to take chances;
• who will not lose their individuality in a crowd;
• who will be as honest in small things as in great things;
• who will make no compromise with wrong;
• whose ambitions are not confined to their own selfish desires;
• who will not say they do it” because everybody else does it”;
• who are true to their friends through good report and evil report,
in adversity as well as in prosperity;
• who do not believe that shrewdness, cunning, and hardheadedness
are the best qualities for winning success;
• who are not ashamed or afraid to stand for the truth when it is unpopular;
• who can say “no” with emphasis, although
all the rest of the world says “yes.


"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power
is from God and not from us." 2 Corinthians 4:7

WELCOME TO CLAY IN THE POTTER'S HAND! This is my new Christian blog which I lovingly constructed for the purpose of glorifying my Creator-Master through sharing my faith-thoughts, challenges as a woman after His own heart, praises and thanksgiving, and anything that I feel convicted to blog about His love-letter to us, the Bible. Join me as I discover and rediscover treasures from my jars of clay, and others' too, that would hopefully encourage, empower and edify us in pleasing our Abba Father.
I look forward to growing with you in the Lord as clays - moldable, pliable, the kind that pleases the Potter. Also, I invite you to join the memes hosted by fabulous women of faith from Christian Women Online. The hosts and the avid participants (including myself ) have been faithfully blogging about powerful testimonies of God's grace, love, hope, faith and joy. The memes list in bold are the ones CLAY IN THE POTTER'S HAND are currently posting at.







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by Darlene Zschech

Beautiful Lord, Wonderful Saviour
I know for sure, all of my days are held in your hands,
Crafted into your perfect plan
You gently call me into your presence guiding me by Your Holy Spirit
Teach me dear Lord to live all of my life through Your eyes
I'm captured by Your holy calling
Set me apart, I know You're drawing me to Yourself
Lead me Lord I pray

Take me, mould me, use me, fill me
I give my life to the Potter's hand
Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me
I give my life to the Potter's hand

You gently call me into Your presence
Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit
Teach me dear Lord to live through Your eyes
I'm captured by You holy calling
Set me apart, I know Your drawing me to Yourself
Lead me Lord, I pray...

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I believe that the Bible is God's Word, that it was written and uniquely inspired, that it is absolutely trustworthy and [the] supreme authority in all matters of faith and practice.

I believe in God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth, perfect in holiness, infinite in wisdom, measureless in power. I rejoice that He concerns Himself in the affairs of men. He hears and answers prayer and that He saves from sin and death all those who come to Him through Jesus Christ.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, sinless in life, making atonement for the sin of the world by His death on the cross. We believe in His highly priestly intercession for His people and visible pre-millenial return to the world according to His promise.

I believe in the Holy Spirit who came forth from God to convince the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment, and to regenerate, sanctify, and comfort those who believe in Jesus Christ.

I believe that all men by nature and by choice are sinners, but that "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." I believe therefore, those who accept Christ as Lord and Savior will rejoice forever in God's presence and those who refuse to accept Him as Lord and Savior will be forever separated from God.

I believe in the Church as a living spiritual body by which Christ is the Head and of which all regenerated people are members. I believe that the local Church is a company of believers in Jesus Christ, buried with Him in baptism and associated for worship, work and fellowship. I believe that the visible churches are committed, for observance "till He comes" the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's supper; and that God has laid upon those the task of persuading a lost world to accept Christ as Savior and to enthrone Him Lord and Master. I believe human betterment and social improvement are essential products of the Gospel.

I believe that every human being is responsible to God alone in all matters of faith.
*Based on Conservative Baptist of the Philippines Statement of Faith

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