Children & Prayer: You'll Never Get Away With It


You'll Never Get Away With It
By: Jeannie St. John Taylor

"Who broke the vase?" I asked.
Three innocent faces grazed up at me. Three pairs of shoulders shrugged. My heart broke. Every day of their lives, I prayed for my children to love the Lord and have soft hearts, yet one of them was lying. One of them had a hard heart.
"You may be able to lie to me," I said in a last-ditch attempt to soften hearts. They were so close in age, I never seemed able to sort out who did what - and they knew it. "But God is always watching. He knows who is lying."
Three pairs of eyes grew big with concern. Three dismayed voices protested.
"I'd be scared to lie to God," I said. Three sets of eyes unblinkingly met mine. Obviously, the perpetrator was not going to crack.,
I walked into the kitchen, my stomach churning, my eyes filling with tears - helpless to do anything more. How could my precious children have such hard hearts?
Hearing a "rhummm...rhummm," I glanced back into the family room. Ty and Tevin made motor sounds as they ran trucks over a pillow. They had returned to their play, but Tori hadn't joined them. She stood alone on the hearth, palms pressed together in a prayng position, eyes squeezed shut, lips moving in silent prayer.
Obviously, the guilty part was feeling remorse. It looked like my God had answered my daily prayer. Her little heart wasn't so hard after all. Hopefully, she'd come and confess to me, too. And she did.
"For He views the ends of the earth, and sees everything
under the heavens." Job 28:24

4 Hearts who chimed in:

Michele Williams said...

What a reminder to us all that God is watching... always!

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

this is such an encouragement. thank you for sharing. God bless your good heart.

Amydeanne said...

wow. You made me cry with this post. It's so precious to hear those words from our children!

Nancie said...

Thank you for sharing this touching account with us. Thank God for working even in little children's heart. May God keep your children's heart tender and always loving Him and desiring to please Him. What a reminder that God watches over us and we need to love and walk in His ways! Thank God that with Him is forgiveness of sins. May God bless you as you seek to bring your children up in the love and fear of God. Praying with and for you.

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"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." 2 Corinthians 4:7
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